Coaching Manifesto

Health, manifestation, mindset, wellness and life coaching is a holistic approach to looking after your health and wellbeing  – mind, body and soul. 

We are not doctors or dieticians. We are not diagnosing our clients with medical conditions. We are not telling anyone what tablet or treatment is miraculously going to work for them. We do not need to claim to treat, diagnose or cure. 

That is not our role in the puzzle. That is not where our value lies. 

We are realistic, and therefore provide realistic, long-lasting transformation solutions. We help provide a lifestyle transformation tailored to what a client is struggling with.  We are here to partner with someone to explore and investigate the health and wellbeing energetics that are true for them and help them practice radical self-care. 

As coaches, we sit by our clients’ side to help them find the needle-movers in their own transformation path. Yes, we can help share ideas. But we do not dictate what our clients do. We are here to help them grasp the fundamentals of health and wellness and find what is true for them and their body. 

You don’t need to be a doctor, a naturopath or a nutritionist to help people transform their health. But it just so happens that we have specialists with psychology, exercise, nutrition and wellness, within their tool kit. So High Achievers Coaching is truly holistic.

Get your transformation moving

 Lasting transformation is at the heart of health coaching

Just because you can find answers to your health problems online, does not mean this will be the best solution. If we pay cheap for quick answers that promise the earth, we get cheap, short-lived results.

Health Coaches are not that. We are not into quick fixes. At High Achievers Coaching we want you to transform your life, once and for all.  

We start by focusing on the basics. It is in the basics that lasting transformation lies. And if you focus on the advanced things when people don’t have the basics in place, it gets way too overwhelming, too fast!

Bio individuality is the basis of health coaching

We inspire our clients to devote themselves to their health for a time

For me, the outcome of working with a health coach is that you don’t just know the fundamental pillars of good health; you are living and breathing them in your daily life. 

After all, we can all Google the basics or buy and read a book, but are we DOING those things we’re learning about? Probably not!

By providing accountability, support, a sounding board, powerful questioning, and a healthy resource, health coaching is all about getting your self-care foundations rock-solid and your energy systems humming along — on a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual level.

And if any thoughts/behaviours/habits are in the way a health coach will support you through that. Habit change is a crucial part of the journey.  

To do that is probably going to take 180 days minimum. After all, we have had those sabotaging habits for some time. So, its going to take time to get rid of them, once and for all. We’re not talking about quick detoxes to lose some weight. Or a generic list of routines to follow. We’re cultivating real, sustainable lifestyle changes that are person for you. 

Ultimately, though, health coaching will help you go from “I know what to do, but I’m not doing it” to actually doing it. It will help you go from “My doctor told me to make this change” to “I’m loving this new healthy lifestyle with ease” and “I know what to do, when, and I know it feels right for me.”

Better health outcomes

Health as a movement

As a collective, it is time to feel empowered in our own connection to our bodies, minds and health.  

Google the most important thing in life. And the top answer you will get is HEALTH + WELLBEING. It is the single most important part of our existence. Without good health, our lives can be cut short.

This is what inspired me to do the work that I do, so that I can help as many people as I can live longer, happier, more fulfilling lives. 

Because longevity, wellbeing, health and lifestyle coaching is a potent, integral part of the health puzzle. No other modality supports foundational transformation by getting all of your energy systems working together in synergy, optimising your health energizes and tuning your lifestyle to what works for you. 

Learning to take care of our own health and not just understanding our own personal power in health and healing — but living it — is powerful. 

From there, you can operate as your highest self for humanity. Then you do the same in your business, within your family, and your community.  And when the world is built on circles of communities with healthy bodies and mindsets, we are all stronger together for it. 

And this why I am a longevity, wellbeing, health and lifestyle coach.

Love, Mia x

Partial Wording Credit Amanda Daley